The Real Winner

The Real Winner

They come about when we notice something that isn’t quite optimized, maybe in terms of time efficiency or wasted resources. ​ And then we do something about it, usually in a way that’s unique, inexpensive, and often totally out of the box. ​ In truth, we’ve built some...
My Dad’s Favorite Story About Us

My Dad’s Favorite Story About Us

One of my Dad’s favorite stories to tell, especially when we’re all sitting around the dinner table together, is about the moment he met Greg for the first time. ​ It all happened during my senior year at Hamilton College when my Dad and older brother, Dana, came to...
We did it!

We did it!

We’ve been itching to get into these woods for a couple of years now and guess what – last summer, we did it! ​ We installed a culvert pipe so that we can cross the stream, and easily access the woods with the tractor and the pigs. ​ It’s been holding up...
Couldn’t Have Gone Better

Couldn’t Have Gone Better

This Couldn’t Have Gone Better.   The spiders and their cobwebs moved in some time ago. ​ And I can’t blame ‘em. ​ My old muck boots are cozy, dry and insulated. ​ And they’ve been sitting down there at the bottom of the basement steps, dormant, for a long...
Fun adventure

Fun adventure

If you haven’t experienced it for yourself, making deals with the Amish is a fun adventure. It certainly requires a little more patience on our end, and it frankly wouldn’t work if we were in any sort of rush or rigid timetable. Typically, we correspond by snail mail,...