After getting a good look at her, Greg told me that Stormy looked like she had a massive litter in her belly. And boy, was he right.

She just gave birth to 19 – yes, 19 – piglets which are about 10 more than average. And is, unfortunately, some number well above what she’ll be capable of rearing.

She only has so many nipples and just can’t manage that many piglets.

In circumstances like this, though frustrating and heartbreaking, we just have to wait for nature, however cruel, to sort it out.

Trust us, we’ve tried to outsmart nature with all sorts of fancy tricks and tactics in years past, including trying to graft the extra piglets onto other sows, but were unsuccessful every time.

We’ve learned that sometimes, survival of the fittest really is the only path forward. And right out of the gate, we knew that this would need to be the case for Stormy this time around.

In other more uplifting news, the barn swallows we love so much made the trip back from South America and are now taking up residence in the barn once again.

Truth be told, when you’re shopping at the Farm Store, they may look more like bats to you than birds, especially at dusk. But they’re always a welcome sight!

Not only are they fascinating to watch cruise the pastures, dive bombing here and there, but they also keep our mosquito population at bay!

It’s incredible to see all these transitions in action, first with piglets and then in the pastures and the fields. Spring seems to have teased us a bit, but it’s most certainly upon us now.

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg

PS – If you want to check out Stormy and her piglets, come on out to the Farm Store during our open hours on Sunday 9am-12pm or Thursday 430-6pm!

PPS – We’ve got a great selection of pork this week. Head over to our website to reserve your groceries in advance, or drop in to see what’s available.


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