I’ve never seen Greg cry so hard as the day a guy from Craigslist showed up a few years back to pick up our pet goose. Naturally, when we decided to scale back the farm, I worried about how we’d manage rehoming all our breeding pigs. After all, these are the ones...
Thank you for waiting so patiently! We’re ready to fill you in on the soul searching that’s been happening behind the scenes that ultimately led us to make the decision to downsize the farm. It comes back to something we’ve been sharing about right here for years...
We’re downsizing the farm, and since we shared the news last week, the changes are really accelerating now! It’s been a shock to everyone, even to ourselves at times. But it’s really happening! We have lots more updates to share with you in the coming weeks and...
HUGE news about the Farm ➡️ A poem that’s always spoken to me is this one by Rupi Kaur: Our souls Will not be soothed By what we achieve How we look Or all the hard work we do Even if we managed to Make all the money in the world We’d be left feeling empty for...
There are so many positive aspects to our life here on the farm. There’s the view of the animals living their best life on pasture, the joy of being so in touch with nature and seeing beautiful things, like the first fireflies of the season lighting up the...
When your house is as old as ours, you expect to have some encounters with the natural world. We were still pretty surprised, though, when we renovated the bathroom several years ago and realized that we were unknowingly cohabitating with a family of chipmunks. ...