It doesn’t matter what time of year it is.

Whether it’s the vines you see crawling up dormant trees in the dead of winter, dry and hairy.

Or the classic three-leafed plant with the red stems you see sprouting up in the spring and summertime.

Every season, a little bit of that oil seems to get onto something we wished we hadn’t. Whether it’s our shoelaces, our work gloves, or worse, our bare skin.

And we suffer the consequences.

Just a few weeks back, Greg hosted the last public farm tour of the season. I wasn’t able to make it, but I’m told it was a great one!

As usual, he said, the pigs stole the show. At one point, they even went over to the group and used Greg’s long legs as a scratching post.

A few days later, BAM! That dreaded rash was back with a vengeance!

Right now, he’s got those scratching fits happening on the regular. And the calamine, steroid cream, and Benadryl are on the heavy rotation again.

But did you know the animals possess a magical power?

They can roll around and spread the oil anywhere they want without any trouble!

They can even eat the poison ivy roots and all!

And we’re so thankful for that!

After all, their foraging efforts have reduced our poison ivy population to a small fraction of what it was.

But, on nights like this, I wish Greg could possess some of those powers, too.

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg

PS – Thanks to everyone who participated in our first-ever Anniversary Sale! We made sure to hold back a great selection of pork for you for this weekend. Click HERE to order and we’ll look forward to seeing you at the Farm Store soon!


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