Are you ever in a pinch and need to how to thaw chops and sausage quickly? This super easy solution will do the trick, and it only takes 15 minutes.

Follow these steps for a quick and efficient thawing process:

1. Submerge frozen and vacuum-sealed chops and sausage in a pot filled with 4 quarts of water.

2. Bring the water to 140 degrees, stirring regularly, which should take about

5 minutes.

3. Turn off the burner, and continue to stir often.

4. The chops and sausage should be fully thawed (allow it to reach 33 degrees to be sure)

after approximately 5 more minutes.

This method is a quick and reliable way to thaw frozen meats safely. It’s important to avoid using hot water or the microwave for thawing, as they can lead to uneven thawing and, in some cases, partially cook the outer layers. With this approach, you’ll have your proteins ready for your culinary creations in no time, making dinner preparation a breeze even when you’re short on time.

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