Roasted Ratatouille

Roasted Ratatouille

It’s the middle of summer. 85 degrees out right now. And I’m posting a recipe for roasted ratatouille that will tell you to run your oven for 3 hours. That’s how good this recipe is. I’m posting now in preparation for ratatouille season –...
Juiciest Pork Burger

Juiciest Pork Burger

Our pork doesn’t really need much to help it taste even better, but we came across this genius Juiciest Pork Burger recipe – you’ll have to take a look at the recipe to find out what the secret ingredient is! Click here for a PDF version of this...
Adana Kabobs

Adana Kabobs

I always say that the flavor pork we raise stands on its own (hence my love of the simple, perfect pork chop), but I also love it when a blend of spices marries perfectly with the flavor of our pork to produce something spectacular. Even though pork isn’t...
Apple Cheddar Bacon Scones

Apple Cheddar Bacon Scones

Deb Perelman’s Smitten Kitchen recipe notes that you should realize just how addictive these Apple Cheddar Bacon Scones scones are before you start eating them fresh out of the oven. And even though I imagine you could probably freeze them, I’d be amazed...