I lived on a Native American reservation once. The tiny little town where I lived is called Fort Defiance and it’s located near the border of Arizona and New Mexico, on the Navajo Nation.

I was only there for a few months, but it was a fascinating experience. It’s where I caught my first breech baby – this is where the baby’s bum comes out first – and my first set of twins! (Did you know I’m also a nurse-midwife?)

Inspired by this time in my life and some other learning we’ve done over the years, we recently held our first ceremony on the farm.

We did it just before we went up to the ADKs when we were both feeling a little jittery about leaving the farm for a week.

With sage smoke wafting around us, and lightning bugs abound, we walked the long loop around the farm and got in touch with all the elements that make this farm what it is.

We thanked everyone and everything – the soils, the grass, the fresh air, the animals, the creek, the 200 year old barn, and all the important tools that allow us to do this work.

Along the way, we even found ourselves thanking a skunk who we surprised on the path and who lifted his tail, but opted not to spray us in the face as we walked by. We took this as a sign that even the wild animal kingdom was understanding, and maybe even appreciative, of the ceremony’s intent.

It’s not the first time we’ve been grateful for it all. If you’ve been following us for a while, you know we’re big on practicing gratitude. But it was the first time we connected with our land and the animals in this way and it really was magical.

While you might not have known it, you were actually here with us in spirit. We ended our ceremony up near the Farm Store, thanking you for trusting us to be your farmers.

Being here and serving you really is the honor of a lifetime.

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg

PS – Wahoooo!! It’s a FRESH PORK week and we’ve got our brand new website up and running. If you would like to place an order, download the 3 Easy Steps to ordering HERE


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