I’ve never seen Greg cry so hard as the day a guy from Craigslist showed up a few years back to pick up our pet goose. Naturally, when we decided to scale back the farm, I worried about how we’d manage rehoming all our breeding pigs.

After all, these are the ones who’ve been with us the longest, some for as long as 6 years. They have names, distinct personalities, and little quirks, most of which we adore.

And just as we were starting to really worry about our exit strategy for them, something remarkable happened – the world literally conspired to help us!

Because just in the nick of time, we heard that the very first farm Greg ever worked on when he was a youngster fresh out of college was looking for pigs! In fact, they were looking to scale up their breeding program at the EXACT time that we were scaling ours back!

For background, you might as well consider the folks from Laughing Earth Farm as our counterpart in the Hudson Valley – they’re a married couple who work together to grow organic food for their community, and they’ve been our fellow farmers and friends for years!

And when they came out a couple of weeks later to pick up a motley crew of 12 pigs, it wasn’t at all the tear-jerking event we feared.

The animals were their good-natured selves and trusted Zach immediately, walking up and on the trailer without much ado. Watching them drive away together just felt right.

You could say it was just a snapshot in time, but it told us everything we needed to know – that those pigs will be well cared for at their next stop, just as they were here.

And as for us? We were left behind with our hearts even more full of love and admiration for the pigs and the good farmers who care for them. Rehoming all our pigs are almost done and it really is a beautiful path…

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg

PS – We have a great selection of smoked pork and sausage at the Farm Store this week. Order ahead online or drop in at the Farm Store on Sunday morning to see what’s available.

PPS – We have only a few more Thanksgiving turkeys available for pre-order for this Fall. If you haven’t reserved your turkey, now is the time before we sell out!


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