This Only Happens Once A Year

This Only Happens Once A Year

We look forward to this moment that only happens once a year. Getting our pig herd moved off their winter paddock located up near the top of the farm and out to the grazing pastures on the back field, is truly one of the most glorious sights to behold. There’s a lot...
This Life In A Nutshell

This Life In A Nutshell

I often say that winter is the trickiest season for farrowing. And I think I’m still correct there. But this in-between season – where it’s 81 degrees one day and then snowing two days later – isn’t exactly a walk in the park. We made a bet and decided it...
House With 0 Doors?

House With 0 Doors?

We’ve been enjoying evening walks lately. And while we were strolling around the neighborhood last night, Greg mentioned something I think you’ll find interesting. “Isn’t it funny,” he pondered, “that we couldn’t confine our pig herd even if we tried?” He...
Our Week In Less Than 500 Words

Our Week In Less Than 500 Words

I was tempted to shy away and spare you the details this week. But I’ve come to see that something powerful happens when we make the effort to understand not just where our food comes from, but the journey our food takes from the pasture to the plate. So this is our...