In some ways, livestock animals are just like pets. Just like your dog or cat, our pigs and chickens need food and clean water each day to survive. Feeding isn’t too taxing. It helps that they all have 24/7 access to pasture and have things to munch on from the earth...
Anytime I doubt that Greg’s chemistry background is even the least bit related to his work on the farm, he reminds me that when it comes down to it, farming is just a series of complicated year-long experiments. A year ago, in the dead of winter, we set our...
Why is it that we call the living breathing animal one thing and then the physical cut of meat something else? Seeing the words “pig” and “pork” side by side makes me think about the general distancing that takes place between us (the eaters)...
Did you know that with very rare exceptions, all our pigs are born right here on the farm with us? It’s true and it’s one of the reasons why we’re able to offer you pork year round. This week, we’re waiting on a pig named Vicky to deliver. She’s a “gilt,” which means...
In spite of the rip-roaring pandemic, life on the farm has been quiet and predictable this week. That’s not because we did something cool or invented some new way of doing things. But because nature gave us some grace for The Shift this week. The Shift, as we like to...
The expression “giving thanks” is an interesting one. It reminds me of this tradition we had in my family growing up where we’d go around the kitchen table after dinner and acknowledge each person for something. There were 6 of us kids, my parents, and usually one and...