Last Friday night, as we were driving home from a friend’s house, I looked over toward a neighbor’s farm and saw, through the darkness, someone driving a tractor, much larger than ours, up the field with the lights blazing. As I often do when I’m out of my depth, I...
No one could tell us how to keep the farm afloat during the pandemic. There was no guide or how-to for us to reference. In a very short amount of time, everything we thought we knew about the farm and where we were headed, was tossed up in the air. And it was up to us...
As Greg predicted, our sow Pinto Bean had a massive litter. She gave birth to 16 piglets this week and having just 12 teats, this was 4 more than she could manage. Nature, however cruel, knows how to sort these things out. Which is why, as soon as we tallied them all...
One of our most important farm jobs from now ’til around mid-November will be to rotate the animals onto fresh pasture every few days. But, before that happens, we’re charged with answering these 2 big questions: #1 Are the fields ready? We need the...
A few years ago, we went to an organic farming conference in the ADKs. On the first night away, our 500 lb boar broke out of his paddock. With our proverbial tails between our legs, we drove home, helped the hormone frenzied boar back into his paddock, and missed the...
We have a 7 acre section of woodlands on the northwestern side of the farm that we just adore. It’s a young forest on a sloping hillside with lots of shade and interesting plant life. We don’t talk about it much. But we’ve known for some time that it would make a...