Ever since we first came up with the idea for this farm over a bottle of wine in our tiny SoCal apartment a couple of years before Greg graduated from grad school, we knew that we were going to certify the farm as “organic.” Our first year, we did just that and we...
We’ve spent some time this week thinking about how we’ll adapt and adjust during this next phase of COVID-19. We aren’t stressing about it. But, we do think about it. And we do talk about it. Not because we’re trying to torture ourselves or...
This is the list I made this week after I realized how much a drive to the welder (of all things!) lifted my spirits. Please comment below and share what’s been helping you snap out of the COVID blues. Let’s keep this list handy so that we remind ourselves of all the...
Have you ever been at one of those big forks in the road and wondered how the heck you’re ever going to make the decision to go right or left? We hit a big fork like this recently. It was back in March when COVID was just becoming our reality. The farmers market...
We’re the type of people who love a good plan. Schedules, blue prints, road maps? That’s our love language, right there. That’s why we plan everything out for the farm a whole year in advance. We decide how many animals we’re going to raise,...
We’ve been trying not to overload our brains with too many COVID updates. I’ve turned off the push-notifications on my phone. And we try to limit ourselves to a couple of news check-ins per day. But, there was a story that struck a chord with us this week:...