Something Old and New
This little known fact seems to surprise just about everyone we meet, but the land on which we farm and the house in which we live were entirely separate entities before we moved in. It's true! They were different parcels that just so happened to be up for sale at the...
What We Learned From
Our biggest regret of 2021 was what we so lovingly called, The Piglet Explosion. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about here, let me jog your memory... Typically we have just 1-2 sows delivering piglets each month. But around this time last year, we realized that...
When Less Is Really more
Sometimes I joke about how Greg made a total 180° change when he decided to become a farmer. But in actuality, farming isn’t that different from chemistry after all. The major differences are just that instead of running a series of 1 minute long experiments in a...
We’ve Done This 197 Times
Don’t laugh, but we’re reading a book about dying right now. We’re learning all sorts of interesting things. One of them being that one of the biggest regrets people often have at the end of their life is not having expressed themselves. What do you think about that?...
We Finally Spotted Him
Remember the mystery poultry predator we told you about this fall? We were feeling quite pleased with ourselves after we added a few deterrents to the coop - namely a solar radio and a flashing LED light - and everything settled right down. But things changed a few...
The Big Step This Week
There’s been a blowing rain storm hovering over the farm today. And while I’m in here catching up on emails and staying nice and cozy inside, Greg’s been working hard out there, helping the pigs transition into their winter quarters. We usually move them up toward the...
A blessing or a curse? Can’t tell…
When it rains, it really can pour sometimes. Because while I’ve been laid up from this last hip surgery, Greg’s also had to contend with another one of his back strains this week. As you know, we’re both outdoor and work-loving people. And seeing us both be down for...
This week’s dinner table convo ?
My mom’s been keeping me company this week as I recover from my second (and hopefully my last!) hip surgery. Not being able to be outside on the farm with the animals means I've been more eager than usual to hear the farm updates from Greg. As the 3 of us were eating...
This Really Lit Us Up
I couldn’t even begin to count the number of times we’ve wondered quietly on our own, or together in each other’s arms, if this thing would really work out. At every one of those forks in the road, we’d brainstorm with each other, get feedback from you, and take...
Can You Help Us With This?
You’ll often hear our people lament about how hard farming is. And there’s truth to it all. Farming can be taxing on our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. But no one can say that there aren’t incredible benefits to this work. And one of them - which I’d argue might...
What We’ve Been Up To
Our boy Benji has been under the weather this week. He’s one of just two boars we keep on the farm, and his job - hanging out with our sows and making piglets for us - is critical. Greg always calls him a sweetheart, and he truly is. So it’s been sad and worrisome to...
We’re Gettin’ There
We trapped, vaxxed and neutered the stray cat that arrived on the farm a few weeks ago. As you know, we were daunted by the idea of having yet another creature to care for. But with lots of encouragement from you and support from Greg’s parents (who are the cat lovers...
The Next BIG Thing?
There’s a new trend amongst small organic farms like ours. And it’s one that we’ve been watching for some time. Any ideas about what it might be? If you guessed SHIPPING, you’d be correct! There’s such an obvious convenience to clicking the buttons and waiting for the...
A Midnight Delivery
We've been told many times that we should get a pet, but we've never really bought into the idea since we already have so many animals depending on us for their survival. But despite our resistance, there’s been a new addition to the cast of characters around here and...
We Can’t Do This By Ourselves
Greg drove out to Wayne County this week and picked up the first load of hay for the season. He snagged as many bales as the old farm truck could hold, which ended up being about 60. This is far from the 400 or so bales that we’ll need for the winter season. But I'm...