bet you already know this about us, but when you ask us questions and share your concerns with us, we listen.

Sometimes, we aren’t able to be more than a listening ear or offer more than a calming presence.

But every now and then, we connect the dots and see there’s a pattern developing. And realize there might be something we can do to help.

This happened last March when COVID hit. At the time, food supply chains were strained and none of us were feeling particularly confident of our ability to access fresh organically grown veggies.

So we connected with some farmer friends. And within a few weeks, we hatched the idea of the Veggie Buying Club, which just wrapped up a few weeks ago.

We’ve been hearing these same rumblings again lately, especially with the recent microcluster, the end of the Veggie Club, and the upcoming winter-time closure of local farmers markets.

We can’t launch another Veggie Club and we don’t have the ability to grow the veggies ourselves (that would be crazy…), but I’m wondering what you’d think about us partnering with another farmer to bring a selection of locally grown veggies to the Farm Store this winter.

The offering would be focused (likely salad greens, spinach, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions and maybe a few other salad toppers). But it would be reliable and consistent and all certified organic.

We’d arrange things so that you’d be able to order through our pre-ordering system right alongside our meats. And then you’d pick up at the Farm Store as usual.

What do you think? Is this something you’d take advantage of? We’d love to hear your thoughts and get your input. Please hit reply to this email and let us know.

We’ll sort through the responses over the next few weeks and keep you posted as plans unfold.

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg