On the farm, the day-to-day hasn’t really changed too much in the past couple of weeks. The piglets are still running around, the chickens still need to be fed, and the spring-time projects are keeping us busy, as usual. And we’re feeling fit as a fiddle.
But, I want to be honest. My mindset shifted a little this week and I’m betting I’m not alone. The realization that this is a new normal is starting to settle in and things just feel a little harder right now.
As much as I want to write about the funny and uplifting things like I did last week, and I promise I’ll get back to this again for next week, I really only have one thing on my mind right now.
I’m wrestling with this very big question of how we’re going to keep serving you, while taking all the necessary precautions, in this very challenging and uncertain season of life we’re in right now.
I know in my heart that we’re not going anywhere and I know that you know this, too. This farm and the community that supports it is as strong as ever and we’re not going to let each other down now. But at the same time, I know there are some adjustments that’ll need to be made.
Jenney and I are going to need to get more creative, more ingenuitive, and work a little harder to do what we’ve always done. We’ll need to spend more time on our computers and send more emails to stay in really good communication with you all. Our goal is to make sure that you know when food is ready for you and exactly how to pick it up, safely.
And we’ll need to ask you to bear with us as we redesign some of our systems (like updating our online pre-order system for next week). To forgive us if we make typos, send redundant emails, or just fumble a little here and there. To keep offering us feedback so that we know if we’re headed in the right direction or veering way off course.
If there’s one thing that we’ve learned from being your farmer over the past 5 years, it’s that we show up for each other. This is what community is all about and we’re absolutely up for this next challenge, if you are!
Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg