I’m basically a squirrel at heart. I already have a few bags of fresh strawberries tucked away in the freezer – they make the perfect addition to smoothies, oatmeal, and pancakes!

And if I play my cards right, I’ll get over to my favorite blueberry farm this week and add a few more bags of berries to our stash.

Pickles and a few rounds of tomato sauce usually come next. And then comes the kimchi making extravaganza in the fall.

I know someone out there is probably thinking — is this girl crazy? Does she really make her own kimchi?

The answer, my friend, is a resounding YES. We usually make about 2 gallons of it to last the whole year, and it’s one of the best things on earth.

Supporting local organic farms doing things right just makes us happy. And knowing we’ve got amazing food stored away to keep us healthy during the winter months, when the pickings get slim, gives us peace of mind.

So, let me ask you this. Where are you on your journey with your food? Are you a newbie who’s just learning about the local food scene, but wants to learn how to be a squirrel like me?

Or maybe you’re twenty years ahead of me and thinking, kimchi…? That’s cute ’cause I make my own head cheese!

Wherever you are on this journey, we’ve got something awesome for you this week. And it’s our brand new FREEZER GUIDE that walks you through how to get started choosing the right freezer for your family, the best things to freeze this summer, and tips and tricks for how to keep it all organized so you can eat local all year round.

Click HERE for this awesome free resource. You won’t regret it!

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg

PS – We just opened signups for Half Pigs for the fall and we’re already more than 2/3 sold out. 😲 Click HERE to grab your spot.


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