Have you ever experienced the frustrating aftermath of using cooking spray on a non-stick surface, only to discover a persistent sticky residue? You’re not alone, and there are compelling reasons why this occurs, as well as alternatives to prevent it from happening again.

Reason 1: Lecithin in Cooking Sprays Causes a Sticky Residue

Nonstick cooking sprays aren’t just oil in a spray bottle; they typically contain at least one type of oil plus an emulsifier, such as lecithin. Lecithin causes problems for nonstick cookware. It leaves a sticky residue behind and can adhere to your pan and build over time, ultimately impeding the abilities of the nonstick coating.

Reason 2: Trying to Remove the Sticky Residue Damages the Nonstick Coating

Once your nonstick pan has a sticky residue, it is incredibly hard to get off. People often scrub their nonstick pans with abrasive or scrubby sponges in an effort to remove it. This is a sure way to scratch or otherwise wear down your nonstick coating, ruining it completely.

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