I’ve been learning more about the victims of the Tops shooting. Every day, I seem to learn more about their life stories and familiarize myself with their names.

While I’ve been thinking about whether to share my thoughts on all this with you, deliberating on what to say and how to say it, it happens again – this time in Texas, with little kids, just 7-10 years old.

That’s 10 in Buffalo and another 19 in Texas, which means 29 human beings were killed senselessly this past month, their paths in life cut short, for just existing in the world. And that doesn’t even include all the others…

As I sat down to share with you this week, I found that I just couldn’t go on and share about the abundance of food we have growing on our farm, without acknowledging the heartache we’re experiencing right now.

I’d like to believe that the first step – acknowledging the pain and heartache – is what will help us get through this. And now that I’ve started doing that here, I think I know what our best next step can be.

It turns out the Jefferson Ave neighborhood, where the Tops shooting took place, is in an actual food desert. The community members there didn’t have much access to healthy food to begin with. But with their one grocery store still closed and without a planned reopening date, many are relying on emergency food distribution sites to feed their families.

FeedMoreWNY is on the ground helping these families right now with pop up grocery pickup sites all around the Jefferson Ave community. And this week, we’d like to support them in their efforts and invite you to do the same. Want to join us!?

Check their list of needed items HERE – you’ll notice that nonperishable sugar free foods are high on the list – and drop them off while you’re shopping at the Farm Store this weekend!

We’ll bring them all our donations next week and show them that their neighbors, just 1 hour to the East, have not forgotten about them!

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg

PS – It also happens to be a FRESH PORK week, so we’ve got a full selection of our organic and pasture raised meats available. Order ahead HERE and bring your non-perishable donations for Buffalo to the Farm Store this Sunday!


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