Don’t laugh, but we’re reading a book about dying right now.
We’re learning all sorts of interesting things. One of them being that one of the biggest regrets people often have at the end of their life is not having expressed themselves.
What do you think about that? Strangely enough, when I read those words on the page, my mind immediately went to YOU. And here’s why…
A few years ago, we were feeling stifled and overwhelmed by all things happening on the farm. And in looking for an outlet for all of those thoughts and feelings, we made a promise to share a story from the farm – one that was real and from the heart – with you each week.
This sounded easy enough. But in fact, it wasn’t at all. We hit stumbling blocks right off the bat.
First, neither of us were comfortable with writing – this is a skill that’s developed very slowly over time. Believe it or not, this is actually our 197th newsletter in a row and I still feel rather clumsy in this department.
More than that, sharing our thoughts and experiences was scary! I know you can relate to that feeling of being exposed. Like you’re standing there, in your underwear, for everyone to see. This is what most weeks felt like in the beginning!
But time has gone by. We’ve learned. We’ve grown. And now I can remember what farming looked like before and after we started expressing ourselves and sharing our thoughts, feelings and stories from the farm. And it’s like night and day. And that’s because of YOU!
Week after week, you’ve invited us – two ambitious farmers with a dream to help families in Rochester eat well – into your world. You’ve laughed with us, cried with us, and reflected with us. We’ve swapped recipes, notes, and more smiles beneath our masks than I could ever count.
Connecting with you, one open heart to another, has truly been the gift of a lifetime. Here’s to many more adventures and opportunities to express ourselves together in 2022.
Happy New Year!
Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg
PS – We are open this Sunday as usual from 9-noon. Place your orders HERE and we’ll look forward to seeing you soon!
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