The very first night we slept in this little yellow house, I rolled over in bed and told Greg that I thought we might’ve just bought ourselves a dud.
The clanging base-board heaters, never-ending varieties of wall paneling, broken appliances, leaky roof, and strange smells were, to put it mildly, intimidating.
But, we jumped in nonetheless. And over the years, we’ve gone room by room and renovated this old house, which at its core is over 175 years old, in hopes of making it better and stronger for the future.
We’re in the midst of another small renovation, right now. This time, we’re bringing the laundry up from the dirt-floor basement and updating the last bedroom, which happens to be our own.
And after watching the last of the old wall-paneling come down and fresh drywall go up in its place, I realized that building a forever home is much like building a forever farm.
Some days, it feels like we’re treading water. And other days, the wind catches our sails just right. And we’re propelled forward, in the direction of our dreams.
Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg
PS – Click HERE to shop and reserve groceries for pick up this week. Be sure to stock up on any items you’ll want for the rest of September, as we won’t be restocking until October.