During our first year farming, I’d often come home at the end of the day to find Greg facedown on the couch with an ice pack on his back.

Slowing down didn’t feel like a viable option at that time. After all, we were just getting started. So, it was full steam ahead, every day of the week.

The issue got a little bit better. And then a little bit worse. And then finally, it progressed to the point where he could no longer flex his left foot, creating an obvious set of challenges when he walked.

One trip to the chiropractor, one referral to a spinal surgeon, and one visit with our primary care provider, and the problem which had somehow eluded us for months, became as clear as day.

He’d developed a pretty serious lumbar strain, an impinged nerve, and foot drop. All because he/we were overdoing it. It was as simple as that.

Luckily, the solution to all this was fairly simple. He needed a break (a REAL break) from all the physical labor and time for his body to heal.

We found ways to manage that, and he ended up making a full recovery. And while this chapter may seem like a thing of the past, it’s not at all because the lesson we learned from this experience is one that still carries great weight with us today.

And it’s this….we only get this one vessel to take us through life and it’s up to us to take good care of it.

For us, this season, that has meant exercising daily, meditating often, taking breaks, striving for a 40hr work week, and nourishing our bodies with the best food we can get our hands-on.

We’re more protective than ever before, when it comes to our health, and I think we’re better for it. Which makes me wonder about you!

How are you doing taking care of your body this summer?

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg

PS – Speaking of good food to nourish your body, we have lots of amazing food for you in the Farm Store this week. Go ahead and peruse our offerings and place your order HERE.

PPS – Thanks to all who came to our Farm Tour this week. We had such a blast sharing the farm with you! If you’re feeling sad you missed this one, don’t worry. We’re planning on hosting another in September!