I couldn’t even begin to count the number of times we’ve wondered quietly on our own, or together in each other’s arms, if this thing would really work out.

At every one of those forks in the road, we’d brainstorm with each other, get feedback from you, and take another step forward, hoping it would bring us closer to our dreams.

But what were those dreams back then? At one time, it was all about achieving perfection.

I remember us thinking about it endlessly in the early days. And it always felt like no matter how hard we’d try, we’d come up short somehow.

I mean, how does one create the perfect pork chop, anyways?

Eventually, when we realized that this drive for perfection was actually sucking the joy right out of what has always felt like our most divine calling, we went back to the drawing board.

And a little over a year ago, we settled on new goals that actually light us up and I think will continue to inspire us for a lifetime ahead.

And that was to create a farm based on the principles of generosity and trust – two elements that are missing from the vast majority of food producers (especially meat producers!) in our society. And quality? Well, that would be a given.

After so many years of self doubt and refining and faltering and getting back up and trying again, it’s safe to say that the farm soared to new heights this past weekend.

Not only did almost 200 families choose to purchase their food with us this Thanksgiving – opting for our local/organic/pasture raised rather than conventional food grown in a factory somewhere.

You also helped us feed the hungry – we contributed an entire truck load of food donations to an important food pantry that serves adults and children who are living hungry in Rochester.

Whether you’ve been with us for years or just a few short weeks, this is the essence of what Stonecrop Farm is all about. And I want you to know that seeing our biggest and boldest dreams yet, all come to fruition this week has literally brought us to our knees.

You are our true partners in this work and we couldn’t be more grateful.

Your Farmers,

Jenney & Greg