We trapped, vaxxed and neutered the stray cat that arrived on the farm a few weeks ago. As you know, we were daunted by the idea of having yet another creature to care for.

But with lots of encouragement from you and support from Greg’s parents (who are the cat lovers of all cat lovers), we’ve decided that he’s welcome to stay on as our resident barn cat.

I will say that he’s definitely not fond of us humans yet and I’m afraid the events of the week didn’t exactly help in that regard. But we’re hoping he settles in soon.

Speaking of settling in, the farm is starting to make its transition for winter-time. In previous years, with a to-do list this long, we’d be feeling the stress starting to ramp up right about now. Strangely enough, neither of us have felt much of that lately.

Maybe that’s because we’ve done this transition many times before and know how to fit all the pieces together just right and adjust based on the weather. Or maybe it’s because we know there’s a moment that’s coming soon, when we’ll have that sense of being settled in, too.

It typically comes around Thanksgiving, when the turkeys have made it to their final destination (your kitchen table!) and the pigs and laying hens are nestled into their winter quarters at the top of the farm, where they’re easier to access when the snow starts flying.

We’re in the home stretch now and all the more aware of what an immense privilege it is to be doing the work we love. Growing food for you and your family is truly such an honor. ❤️

Your Farmers,

Jenney & Greg

PS – It’s a FRESH PORK week and with Thanksgiving Holiday just 3 weeks away, demand is up and our inventory is a little more limited than usual. Be sure to click HERE to stock up on anything you need while supplies last!