We’ve been told many times that we should get a pet, but we’ve never really bought into the idea since we already have so many animals depending on us for their survival.

But despite our resistance, there’s been a new addition to the cast of characters around here and she arrived rather mysteriously last week without us even knowing it.

Greg was the first to spot her near the barn and assumed she belonged to a neighbor. But then he saw her around the farm the next day, and the day after that. And every day since.

People apparently do this sometimes – they decide they no longer want their cat and in the cover of darkness, drive to a farm they’ve probably never been to before, and they just dump it.

The very notion that a farm like ours would be ideal living quarters for a stray outdoor cat seems to be a great miscalculation, in my personal opinion.

But I’m trying to get used to the idea. And this little kitty’s skittishness, combined with the dead mice she keeps placing strategically on all our favorite pathways, hasn’t really been helping me come around to the idea.

I can’t say that she’s particularly cute. She’s got a sort of smoky color to her coat that makes it look like she’s just walked through a big plume of car exhaust. And an awkwardly lanky, torpedo shaped torso.

But for better or worse, this little kitty has been bestowed on us. Which means, it might be time to accept the fact that we now have a barn cat.

We’ve been told that the first order of business should be to trap her and bring her to a spay/neutering clinic so we don’t end up with more. How hard could that be?

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg

PS – Wahoo! We just got back from the butcher and have lots in the way of FRESH organic pork available at the Farm Store this week. Click HERE to reserve your groceries for the week.