This is the list I made this week after I realized how much a drive to the welder (of all things!) lifted my spirits. Please comment below and share what’s been helping you snap out of the COVID blues. Let’s keep this list handy so that we remind ourselves of all the things we CAN do to help ourselves feel better in this crazy COVID season of life!

Take a drive and look out the window

Take a walk and go in the opposite direction you usually go

Take an online class

Pick up the phone and call your sister/brother

Call a friend-maybe that one you haven’t spoke to in ages and have been meaning to call for years?

Cook something that you always said you never had time to make

Write a letter (an actual letter) to someone you love

Start writing a book!


Practice gratitude (we do 5 things in the morning and 10 things each night)

Set one (yes, just one!) new goal and stick to it

Review the calendar for the week AND schedule in all the things that matter

Meal prep (cut the veggies, clean the salad greens, etc)

Do a puzzle (and then send it to a friend/family member so they can do it afterwards)

Sit in the hammock

Read a book

Fly a kite

Play a board game – or a virtual game with a friend

Listen to a podcast

Meditate (Greg uses Headspace every single day)

Print the photos you’ve been meaning to print for years and make a photo album or send to a friend

Finish the darn knitting project (this one scares me…)

Close the loops on other projects that have lingered for too long

Hang the pictures on the wall!

Clean out the fridge and the kitchen drawers

Organize the cupboards

Marie Kondo your closet

Mow the lawn

Organize a BYOD (bring your own dinner) picnic with a friend and maintain social distancing, of course!

Do something physically challenging