Embarrassment is such a strong emotion, isn’t it?
I remember feeling it for the first time in kindergarten when my teacher asked someone to come up to the front of the class and answer some questions about the days of the week.
I eagerly raised my hand. And then proceeded to get all the questions wrong, realizing only after the fact that I hadn’t actually learned the days of the week yet.
Fortunately, I know something now that I didn’t know back then – which is that the energy and power of strong emotions like this will dissipate when you say it out loud or get it off your chest somehow.
With this in mind, we’re sharing the 3 things we’re embarrassed to admit in 2020. Here we go….
1. We let the safety inspections on all of our vehicles – including the farm truck – lapse over the last year.
It took not 1, not 2, but 3 stressful experiences driving to the shop hoping not to be pulled over to finally realize that we needed to implement a better calendar system for car/truck maintenance. We’re adults… I promise.
2. We don’t really have a plan for all that squash.
We were so focused on growing squash this summer that we sorta, kinda, forgot to come up with a plan for selling it. This is why squash is on the menu 3 times a day at our house and also why it’s been in such enormous quantities at the Farm Store.
3. I don’t really know how to drive the tractor yet.
It’s been 4 years and Greg’s given me a few lessons. But, I’m still not really proficient at using it for anything purposeful. I might be the only farmer I know who doesn’t have (or maybe want to have?) this skill. Oh well.