It was just 3 years ago that we were doing all the things that we’d normally do on the farm during the extraordinarily busy week before Thanksgiving. But, with a little something extra on top…

That little something was actually the biggest project we’ve ever taken on in our lives. You know what I’m talking about, right?

At the time, we were just getting started with livestock and our land was mostly vacant with a couple of hoop houses and small animal shelters.

This meant that the barn you see standing near our Farm Store today, was still hanging out at it’s original location, a few miles down the road.

Having just been schooled on all that it takes to disassemble an old barn, the next part (the resurrection) was all the more intimidating to us.

I kept telling myself that all the hard work over all those months was going to pay off come Turkey Day, when we could finally share our Thanksgiving turkeys with you beneath the old posts and beams.

It turned out, that we didn’t make it in time. Without siding or roofing, the barn was nowhere close to being ready for use.

What we did have on that wet and blustery Sunday afternoon 3 years ago was a 200 year-old timber frame standing tall with a pine bow nailed to the easternmost rafter – a tradition to honor the sacrifice of the trees. And a clear vision of something more to come.

I’ll never forget the gift that started it all. The messy middle of chaos and uncertainty everywhere. And the stillness I felt looking up at the timber-frame that weekend, knowing that while the barn wasn’t ready for you just yet, it was bound to shift the trajectory of the farm, forever.

Happy anniversary to this old barn of ours. And Happy Thanksgiving to you! May it be a healthy and happy holiday for us all.

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg

PS – . Click HERE to get the five steps to order from us.

PPS – Sunday will be the last day to purchase squash from us. Since our supply is getting low, they won’t be on the order form. We hope you enjoyed the squash experiment as much as we did. We had so much fun growing and sharing those babies with you!