We’ve never been interested in keeping this farm all to ourselves. It’s just too special of a place for that. And that’s why, from our first year onwards, we’ve made a point to host farm tours every season.
Thinking back over the years, there are a few tours that stand out in my mind as all-time favorites. The first tour we ever hosted was definitely one of them.
We were so nervous about what to say (or maybe how to explain this crazy life decision we’d made) that we made flash cards and practiced like crazy ahead of time.
Jittery and nervous, we opened the doors that morning. And along the way, we learned how to be ourselves (put the flash cards away) and share about our passion from the heart and on the fly.
Then, there was the time we hosted Rochester’s Humboldt Center summer camp and managed to surprise these sweet kids by showing them what eggs – straight from the chicken – looked like. The nervous giggles and awe that morning were preserved forever HERE.
Watching Greg try to explain to another tour group what was happening when our boar “Boris” decided to put on a show and mate with one of our sows was a definite first.
We had another first in regards to farm tours recently, too.
Just about a month ago, we hosted our first virtual tour. It’s something I never would have imagined us doing a year ago. But with all your interest and the ever-present pandemic, we made it happen and it was truly such a joy to watch it all come together so seamlessly.
It’s empowering to know where our food comes from. And that’s why we’ve decided to make the virtual tours available to you and your families this fall. Be sure to check them out!