We’ve learned that whenever we’re feeling consistent friction somewhere on the Farm, it’s time for a change.

Sometimes change on the farm means implementing a new system. Like when we figured out that instead of running out of livestock water at inconvenient times during the week (ie: right before our friends are coming over for dinner), we started making sure that we fill up the water tanks on the same day, every week, no matter what. This little change has saved us so much frustration this past year. Yay for new and improved farm systems!

Other times, a change on the farm means we cut something all together, like when we decided to stop raising chickens last year. This was a tough decision that we wrestled with for a while. But when we came to terms with where the friction was coming from, the right path became crystal clear and the sense of relief literally poured in. Yay for carefully saying no when the time is right.

And sometimes, instead of creating a new system or cutting something entirely, a little tweaking is all that’s necessary. We found this to be the case this week as our frustrations with the Recipe of the Week, which have been building up for the past two years, finally came to a head.

The friction was that we love cooking – it’s one of the ways we bond and show our love for the important people in our lives. But taste-testing new recipes and sharing them here every week had become too big of a challenge for us. This was where the tweaking came into play….

Thanks to all those amazing survey results, we came up with a solution relieves some of the pressure on us AND also solves the issues so many of you were experiencing with the Recipe of the Week. Cue the drum roll….

Ta da! Click here to check out the new Stonecrop Recipe Catalog! It’s got links to all of our previous recipes and can be easily accessed by anyone, anytime! This means no tedious searching for old newsletters in your inbox anymore!

Going forward, we’ll plan to add to the Catalog regularly (probably monthly, instead of weekly) and we’ll send out a quick email blast when a new recipe is up so we can keep sharing the blueprints for the tasty creations coming out of the Stonecrop Farm kitchen.

We hope this little tweak puts more ease into our week and allows you to keep having fun trying out new recipes right alongside with us.

Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg