Almost exactly 1 year ago, Greg and I were prepping for what turned out to be the most important business meeting, EVER. We planned to lock ourselves up in a conference room somewhere for the weekend and try to be extra-professional. But it was snowy and our house was cozy, so we did it at home, in our PJ’s instead.
We borrowed a business planning template from one of our mentors (Amy Porterfield in case you’re curious), and despite the less than professional work environment, we took a deep dive into the inner workings of the Farm for our 2019 planning session. The results were amazing.
It wasn’t just the setting of financial goals and mapping out the different enterprises and projecting revenues that was so helpful. It was beginning the process of figuring out how we wanted to spend our time, what we wanted to do more of and what we want to do less of and sorting out our non-negotiables for the farm and really, our lives in general.
I’m convinced that this farm could keep us working 12 hour days, 365 days a year if we let it. But springboarding from this meeting almost exactly one year ago, we got clear about how we can achieve our mission to grow exceptional food and help families eat well AND find those boundaries in our life.
The date is set and we’re already starting to compile the data from the last year. We’re just a few days away from doing this it over again for 2020 and we’re soooo excited!
Thank you, a million times over, for being a part of the Stonecrop community. Each and every one of YOU make a difference in our lives and we thank you all for helping our farm grow!