It’s not often that farmers leave town during the busy season. But when one of your best friends gets married, you find a way to cram three days of work into one day and leave the farm in the dust. Last weekend, with the help of a very capable farm sitter, we did just that.
We had just about 24 hours to spare. And it turns out this was literally just enough time to get to the summer camp outside of Albany, stay overnight in bunk beds, be present for a beautiful star-lit wedding ceremony and a little bit of the reception and then get back into the car.
I would never recommend a travel plan like this. Driving home at 2am was stressful. In the rush, I probably lost something like an earring or a sock (it’s a bad habit) and Greg would’ve been happier to have had more time to catch up with his elementary-school buds.
But I’m proud that we moved heaven and earth this week to show up for our friends while keeping our commitments to our customers. Despite all the craziness of leaving, including harvesting ginger in the dark at 5am, I know we’d would do it all over again because friendships, especially those that started when you were just 4 years old, are worth it.
Your Farmers,
Jenney and Greg