In our first couple of years, I remember we’d be sharing farm photos with our community and people seemed all excited. And then it would happen…
Someone would say that they wanted to buy a turkey, but they weren’t sure how to feel about it after seeing that picture of the cute baby chicks. Or they loved our pork chops, but they felt funny eating them after meeting the piglets.
Comments like this have always made perfect sense to me, given the disconnect we typically have with our food sources and the secrecy that usually surrounds meat production in the US.
But it would sometimes make us wonder if we were going about all this in the wrong way. Perhaps it’d be wise to back off a little. Maybe keep sharing stories, but not so many photos? Or maybe the opposite?
I haven’t always been able to explain WHY, but we’ve kept at it. We’ve continued to share the cute baby animal photos and dug in even deeper with farm tours and showing what it’s really like being organic livestock farmers, sharing the ups right alongside the downs.
At the end of the day, I think we’ve always hoped that people would see that there’s value in knowing what animals look like, how they were rotated through the pastures, and even how they were processed at the end. Because, if we could widen the community of people who wanted to forge this connection to their food, the world might be a better place.
Thanks to you, our community is growing like gangbusters. We’re so thankful to YOU for partnering with us and trusting us to grow your food. It is such a gift to being able to share this work with you, to know you and to feed you and your families. Together, I think we are doing some good in this crazy world.
Your Farmers,
Jenney and Greg
PS- If you want to dig a little deeper and see the farm up close and in person, you should come to our Farm Tour coming up on September 21st! All the details are listed here.