You know what people tell us all the time? “Wow… guys work so hard!”
There’s a huge part of us that takes these words in as a compliment, of sorts. Turning a plot of overgrown fields full of brambles into an organic livestock farm without any employees has taken a lot. It has not been easy and I think that everyone around us including our families, friends, customers and neighbors know that we’ve been busting our buns these past few years.
But putting the farm first and always saying YES to the needs of this farm, has meant that we’ve had to say NO to a lot of other things. And to be honest, without us even realizing it was happening, we stopped doing some of the most important stuff for ourselves.
Before we started our farm, we loved going to yoga classes together. We weren’t skilled enough to do the really advanced poses where you contort your body into a pretzel, but we always enjoyed the experience of moving our bodies and building our strength.
But yoga essentially vanished from our lives when the farm came into the picture. And so too did a lot of other hobbies that filled up our cups. Meaning, our non-farmer cups of course.
This past year, we both agreed to find more space in our lives for our our own fulfillment and we started working hard at NOT working so hard. We started saying NO to requests from others that we would’ve definitely said yes to in previous years and we started saying yes to the things that really matter to us…like going to a yoga class together every week. (If you can believe it, we are hitting our 4-month mark next week!)
We are farmers and yes, we do work really hard. But we’re learning how to create a normal life for ourselves inside of this mighty work. A life where we have hobbies and take care of ourselves, so that we can be happy farmers AND healthy people when we’re old and gray.
Your Farmers,
Jenney and Greg
PS It’s spring which means I have to tell you that we will have a limited supply of hams this spring. They will be delicious and will only be available by pre-order. If you’re interested in a fresh or smoked ham, please hit reply to this email and we will start to coordinate the ordering process with you.