Do you ever get super excited about all the progress you’re making on a project and then you get it about 90% done and everything just stalls?
There’s this sweater I started knitting for Greg the year before we bought the farm. I was so excited when I started it. I picked out the yarn and the pattern and learned all these new stitches. I finished the entire body and one arm. And when it was time to get the other arm done and finish the sweater, the farm came into my life and I just completely lost steam for this hobby. I haven’t touched the project since.
With most of the projects on the farm (and in our life), NOT making it to the finish line just isn’t an option. We have animals that need us and a growing number of customers that are counting on us to feed their families. There’s intention and commitment and it feels like a nothing could stop us from getting things done.
But if you look close enough, there are these projects that we’ve kept on the back burner that just linger! They occupy space in our brains for months or years and I’ve noticed that this doesn’t just amplify the dread of restarting and stall any chance of progress. It’s also just plain annoying!
We shared earlier this summer that the farm’s theme this year is perspective. And with 2020 just a month away now, I’ve decided that I really don’t want this half-completed project to carry over into another year. I’m ready to make some head-way on it, starting this week!
I give you full permission to ask me about how the sweater is coming along next time you see me. Greg says he’s inspired too and ready to get back to work on the trim in our living room!
Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg