I met up with a friend this week. She’s the sort of friend I wish everyone could have at least once in their lifetime. With over 30 years more life experience than me, she’s acquired a lot wisdom and insight, and I love being with her and absorbing as much of her as I can.
As we were warming up over a cup of tea at Pittsford Dairy this week, she asked how we were doing writing the weekly newsletters (she’s a customer and one of our biggest supporters). My brain started scanning for the complete answer to her question.
As we talked, it dawned on me that we’ve come so far! Those early days were hard. Not just because we were often contending with the very real fear of being vulnerable, but because of the giant logistical challenge of finding enough balance in the other facets of our lives to make spending a few hours on this every week, possible!
As I’m looking back, there are a few things that helped us work through the growing pains and create this weekly tradition. The first was setting a schedule for ourselves and sticking to it. The second was being patient and loving with ourselves and with each other. And the third was and continues to be YOU!
You’ve written us the kindest and most generous notes. You’ve shared your thoughts, reflections and experiences with us at market and the farm store. You’ve told your friends about us and you’ve trusted us to be a source of really great food for your family. Each note, each conversation, each pack of chops sold, has propelled us forward on this journey.
You’re the reason we’ve been able to stick with it and share stories from the farm 93 weeks in a row, never missing a one! And for that we’re eternally grateful. Not just because you’ve helped our dreams for this farm come true, but because nurturing this connection with you has been an absolute joy.
Happy Holidays!
Your Farmers,
Jenney & Greg