I’m not sure what most couples like to do for their wedding anniversaries. An adventure somewhere new, a hike to the top of a mountain, a trip to the movies, a fancy dinner out?

These were things Greg and I considered doing on Monday for our 6 year wedding anniversary. But if it says anything about us as people or as a couple, we did farm work instead and we loved every second of it.

We had budgeted time to take the day off on Monday. And we could have easily done any of the things I mentioned earlier. But to be honest, we woke up and got going with things on the farm and realized that this year, we were happiest celebrating the day doing ordinary things, together.

So, we celebrated our anniversary by doing farm chores, rotating animals to fresh pasture, and taking care of a new litter piglets, all while never leaving each others side. We did take some time for our favorite recently re-discovered hobby, tennis, and made sure to continue with the annual tradition we talked about in this newsletter last year, but overall it was just a usual day on the farm.

The day was the best reminder that you don’t have go some place or do something grand to find joy and happiness. If you’re paying attention, you can find it right where you are. And this week, we did just that.

Your Farmers,
Jenney and Greg