When we purchased our property two years ago, we decided early on that we wanted to build a purpose-driven business. As our business has grown, we’ve settled on three core principles that reflect who we are and what we stand for.
We come back to these principals on near daily basis. They help guide us on a day to day level when we’re booking farm tours for school groups or moving animals to new pasture. They serve as the compass as we meet to discuss field planning, farrowing schedules and other big-picture decisions.
Because we’ve never come out and said it in our newsletter before and we want you all to know more about us and our business….
At Stonecrop Farm we are committed to:
1. Using our knowledge and assets to educate our community about sustainable food systems and the benefits of organic farming.
2. Practicing ecologically conscious land stewardship and humane animal husbandry.
3. Producing the highest quality food to improve the health of our community.
Together, we (meaning YOU and ME and the almost 1000 people on our newsletter list!) are fostering a community of ethical consumers who have chosen to intentionally support business like ours that are working to make the world a better place. We are so happy to have you all on board.
All the best,
Your famers
Greg & Jenney
PS- We are at the BFM this Sunday with a full selection of FRESH (never frozen) pork including roasts, chops, sausage, ribs, and BACON! We have only 3 smoked Easter hams left, so let us know ASAP if you’d like one.
PPS- We are sold out of chicken shares but still have a few summer egg shares left. You can learn more and sign up here.