The weeks around Thanksgiving are without a doubt, one of the busiest times on the farm. All the planning and prepping for Thanksgiving turkey distribution feels sort of like coordinating a wedding…though we might not be the best people to make this analogy since we eloped 🙂
Our goals every year are to make sure everything and everyone is taken care of on the farm, that distributing turkeys to 125 families goes smoothly, and that our customers feel welcomed and appreciated.
We are the first to admit that we haven’t always achieved entirely “smooth” turkey distributions. Sometimes it was our doing, like in 2015 when pickup was at Mud Creek Farm and we forgot to bring lights. This was the year that we had to distribute birds and take payments in the dark until someone realized about 1/2 way through that we could use our car head-lights for illumination. Then there was 2016, when the weather threw us for a loop and gave us a full-on blizzard midway through turkey distribution. Yeah, that was fun for….noooboooddyy.
But this year, we are happy to report that despite the cooler temps and snow, turkey pickup went off without a hitch. For the first time EVER, we welcomed families into our 200-year old barn (the one we moved to our farm last year!). There was hot apple cider, music, and twinkling strands of lights over-head. The birds were sorted by size, the numbers were just right, and the distribution area inside the barn looked beautiful. Our customers looked happy and comfortable, which made these two tired farmers very happy.
Thank you to all of you who chose to purchase their food from us and other local farms for your Thanksgiving feast this year. It means the WORLD to us and our farmer friends.
Your farmers,
Jenney and Greg